Brief the foundation of successful cooperation Benefit implementation phase Final assessment of cooperation with influencers Conclusions and recommendations for companies of training participants Training in effective cooperation between brands and influencers Influencer marketing what you need to know about it Definitions of the most important terms Market background how influencer marketing has evolved over recent years Trends what the future may bring Setting a goal for cooperation with influencers
What campaign effects are we focusing on sales increasing brand awareness building traffic What should be the measure of success KPI What group do we want to reach with the campaign WORKSHOPS Indicators for a Marketing Campaign with Influencers Cell Phone Number List Joint analysis and selection of the most important elements that determine the success of influencers in given markets listing the most important indicators from the point of view of the marketing campaign Selection of influencers for the brand
Act independently or use the help of an agency Checking whether a given creators audience matches our target group How to choose the influencers area of activity eg lifestyle parenting technologies narrow specialization assessment of his channels and content formats he creates Analysis of communication methods and the image of influencers Statistics what should we ask for Determining the scope of cooperation Time frame single actions or ambassador format Number and types of services acceptance of communication channels.