Aproperty except for a cause of public utility in the cases and conditions provided by law and in exchange for fair compensation granted over time useful. Article does not extend the scope of Union law beyond its powers. Article first and second subparagraphs TEU provides the following The Union recognizes the rights freedoms and principles set out in the charter of December as adapted on December at Strasbourg which has the same value juridical with that of the treaties. According to the TFEU in case of difficulties or the risk of serious difficulties for the balance of payments of a member state the Commission examines the situation of this state without delay and indicates certain measures that it suggests for adoption.
Regulation no. establishes the modalities applicable to the mutual assistance Country Email List mechanism thus it provides for the establishment of a mediumterm community financial assistance mechanism that allows the granting of loans to one or more member states that are in difficulty or payments or capital movements. National legal framework Article of Law no. regarding the status of judges and prosecutors of June allowed the cumulation of the position of magistrate exclusively with teaching positions in higher education. Law no. regulates compliance with framework agreements with the.
European Commission and the International Monetary Fund. Art. Judges and prosecutors from all courts as well as assistant magistrates from the High Court of Cassation and Justice and the specialized legal staff provided for in art. para. they cannot be kept in office after reaching the retirement age provided by law. Articles of Law no. prohibit the cumulation of the net pension with the income obtained from activities carried out within public institutions if its level exceeds the level of the average gross salary for the economy used to.