Once the extension is installed, you can right click on any page and click Inspect, then go to Audits You need to click the >> tab to get the drop down . How will Lighthouse help your website? There are ways in which Lighthouse can be an invaluable asset in improving your website’s performance: Opportunities to Improve Website Speed Speed is a ranking factor for Google, although there has been some debate as to which metric Google uses to measure it. Lighthouse remedies this by and listing the metrics it uses to determine site speed in the performance section of the audit.
This information can be used to identify what steps in the loading process are problematic for your Photo Editing Services site. Once you identify these problem spots you can take the appropriate steps to remedy the issues. Running Diagnostics You can also use Lighthouse for diagnostics on issues such as: Network Payload: An over-sized network payload means a longer loading time, meaning the user accessing your site is using more data.. Reducing the number and size of network requests helps save your users money and create a better user experience.
DOM Size: DOM trees are essential to website architecture, but having a DOM tree that is too large can affect page performance factors such as Runtime Performance, Memory Performance, and others. An optimal DOM tree has less than Nodes, a depth of no more than Nodes, and no more than Child Nodes assigned to a Parent Node. Read more about DOM and SEO. Java Boot Time: Too much Javascript can monopolize time in loading the page.